Suction Device
I'm looking for any suggestions for what suction pump to buy. My wife (stage 4) is having a tough time with mucus build up, especially at night. looking a powered unit with a battery to move from room to room
Who suggested the suction pump? Her doc? If so, check with her. This is the first time I've ever heard of a suction pump for COPD to be used for mucous clearance. There are many devices and some medications designed to help with mucous clearance, but no pumps that I know of.
When I got out of the Hospital 5 years ago I had 18" of my colon taken out. In 3 different Hospitals 3 months 1st month in ICU had open wound down my stomach. had a colostomy, feeding tube and on the ventilator being on a ventilator more than 10 days could mess your vocal cords up. So I was taken back to Surgery and had to have a trac in my throat so they could put the ventilator down my trac. They had to take this small red tube and stick it down my trac and suck the mucus out of my lungs. The 3rd Hospital I was in did the same thing. When I got to come home my oxygen Company brought out a machine with the red small hoses to suck out the mucus. My husband had to do it too me a lot. As of right now I can not think what the machine was called. But there is one out there. Hope this helps.
That sounds like a completely different problem and nothing to do with COPD. Really scarey, though! I still want to know who suggested the device for mucous.
I know what they are talking about it's a small tube that has suction to it I had to use one because I was so swollen I couldn't swoller my own spit so I had to suction it out I would have never thought they would give you one to use at home unless you're having trouble swallowing. I had epgoltice my toung was swollen a big as a cow toung it was closing off my air way I couldn't even talk I never want that ever again it was so scary keep on keeping on
I know it was from one of my meds For COPD.
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