Mucus In Throat
Does anyone have a problem with mucus in the back of the throat ? I can keep my sinus clear but I have mucus in the back of the throat, mostly on the right side just past the end of the upper right side, at times it makes it so I can't swalllow the siliva in my mouth, feels like my tongue is blocking the passageway. I have tried irrigation with saline, sinus spray, irrigation machine, steam, etc and nothing seems to work. After a couple of hours it seems to go away. It happens mostly at night… read more
So @A MyCOPDTeam Member, since overinflated lungs press against the diaphragm, does it actually help to do our pursed lip breathing from the diaphragm rather than from the chest?
Check with your doc or see an ENT. What you're describing could be a symptom of something larger than "just weird". so get it checked out. Maybe the doc will have a suggestion that will help.
I find hot water with lemon and ginger really helps, even inhaling the steam. Also, if able a hot shower helps too, the steam. If the shower head us aimed at chest, very helpful. Mucinex also helps. Good luck hope you're able to get some relief.
I regurgitate it up and then I am in better shape until the next morning..
Thrush...?? Can cause the same things you are describing...
Does Anyone Here Use A "flutter Valve" Pr Acapella Valve For Mucous? I've Been Told To Buy One And Want Further Information.
Has Anyone Heard Off Air Physio
I'm Not Sure If This Is COPD Related, But Lately I Have Felt Like There Is A Fur Ball (lol) In The Back Of My Throat. Anyone Else Have This