Respirotary Hypertension RH
I was diagnosed with RH in 2015. I thought this was just part of copd. But have only learnt recently that RH is a seperate condition even though caused by lack of oxygen due to copd. I was told by a lung physician that there were now no further treatments as my condition has gone past the stage of being able to do anything. However looking at RH there are lots of clinics in the UK that specifically treat RH. Is there anyone else suffering or having treatments?
When I googled "respiratory hypertension" what came up was Pulmonary Hypertension caused by COPD, also called Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension, to distinguish it from Primary Pulmonary Hypertension which can affect people without COPD. Secondary PH is relatively common among people with COPD. It is caused by chronically low O2 saturation levels and is treatable to some extent. The first treatment is usually O2. If necessary there are some medications that are used off-label in the US that are sometimes helpful. Viagra is one and there are a couple of others.
Thank you all for your responses good wishes and hugs much appreciated
Thanks for the explanation; glad to know what it's called in the UK. You have RH; I'm sure the arterial Hypertension is what we call primary pulmonary hypertension in the US and we don't know what causes it; usually people have it from birth. The treatments and prognoses are quite different.
Thanks Eunice. Was diagnosed through ct scan and breathing tests at respiratory laboratory
Think in uk it is Respiratory Hypertention as there is an organisation called RHA Respiratory Hypertention Association. But there is arterial hypertention but dont know which one i have doctor report just says respiratory hypertention. As for treatment of viagra well lets hope it doesnt leave me in any embarressing situations lol thanks Jean
Does Anybody Have Pulamory Hypertentenition ?as Well As Copd ?
Somebody Sent Me A Link About A Herbal Remedy Called Dendrobium And Mullein Extract.
Are There Any Meds That Help Relieve Or Reverse Pulmonary Hypertension