I’ve Had COPD For A Number Of Years...have Done PRcourse. Can Exercise Improve Lung Function,or Simply Prevent Deterioration?
Is swimming good ,and is it good to get right out of breath...exercise till unable to breath untill stopping?
@A MyCOPDTeam Member, if you are on the computer a directory is listed on top , if you click on Resources and hit the first blog you will see a glossary of COPD words ie. Staying active, anxiety, breathlessness ,depression, diet, inhalers, etc. The one on 13 Strategies to Prevent Exacerbations covers @ @ @ @ exercise. Below the blog is more help with this site, click on FAQ and more info. You can access all this info on your phone by clicking 3 bars at top of page below the Activity area and also on your profile page. Under meet others, click Addiional Filters, scroll down then type in Username to access your team mates @A MyCOPDTeam Member or click on their pictures. One can never have enough friends but it is hard to keep up with a thousand team mates. Some links for newbies once again for help navigating our COPD site. https://www.mycopdteam.com/resources/getting-st... https://mycopdteam.zendesk.com/hc/en-us As @A MyCOPDTeam Member has mentioned before you can always contact @A MyCOPDTeam Member for more assistance.
Your notifications come through your email @A MyCOPDTeam Member and team members replying and/ or sending you posts
@Mikeee--- ya know what? Because of your question and since none of us have answered... IT ocurred to me; WE should create a COPD GLOSSARY! @A MyCOPDTeam Member (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators) @A MyCOPDTeam Member...are any of you aware of a GLOSSARY OF TERMS/vocabulary for COPD? I say we create one if we can't find one to post.... @A MyCOPDTeam Member, @A MyCOPDTeam Member....? Anyone? Let's see what comes of this, okay, Mikeeee? For now, I will tell you that sob = short of breath. The Fev1 is a measurement from a PFT. A PFT= pumonary function test. A spiral note book with pockets is a great thing to have. You can use it in any way which serves you best. Perhaps, it's notes of questions for you Dr.? Maybe, calorie counting? Or maybe you will make notes of some of us with our locations. There's good info and support too, over on Facebook too. COPD BREATHING BUDDIES...is just one. There is one for @ exercise with the word RODEO in it and another COPD Buddies Lite which is jokes. Have fun!!!! Life is short--- have dessert first! SuZz ( (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators)) OR Susan B. Parnell (FaceBook)
Sob means short of breath; not the other, more used, term. FEV1 is straight from the breathing tests, the spirometry of the Pulmonary Function Test. It stands for Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second, hence FEV1, or how much you can blow out in the first second of the blow. O2 saturation levels is the amount of O2 in each blood cell; measured by an oximeter. Colloidal silver is NOT recommended, ever!
Exercise won't necessarily raise your FEV1, or your lung function, but it will make what you do have very efficient and work a lot better. As long as your O2 sats are good (in the 90s), you can exercise as long as you can manage the sob. One of the things you should learn is good breathing techniques so you don't get sob so fast and can go longer until you either need to slow down or stop and recover. To avoid panic, learn how to recover using pursed lip breathing.
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