At What Rate Do Lungs Deteriorate ?
I went for my yearly lung function test I was told my lung function is 20% down on last year I was shocked is this the rate my lungs will continue failing at ? I have up smoking for years ago and I seem worse than ever !!!
If you've had bouts of pneumonia or bronchitis, both can do additional damage to your lungs. If you haven't had such illnesses, then perhaps you just had a bad day, the tech didn't do a good job of coaching you, you didn't try as hard as you usually do, they changed the program in the spirometry unit and are using a new scale; the weather was really bad and I could go on. All those things can make a difference in your test results. As for the usual rate of deterioration, it's in the area of 1.5% reduction in liters blown per year.
Not exercising, gaining weight and a sedentary life-style can also contribute. I suggest you talk with your doc about the reduction and see what he thinks. There may be a number o things you can do to help yourself.
I walk a mile and a quarter every day assisted by oxygen. Exercise slowsu the deteriation of lungs
My lung function was at twenty two percent for six years and in the last year has dropped to seventeen percent and yes Iam having more dficulty breathing during walks and Ican only play nine holes of golfinstead of eighteen but Icontinue to slow the process of deteriation .Iam oygen tenty four seven and whe sitting my flow rate is three and playing golf on a cart of course is five litres.CO PDis a progressive disease and anything Ican do too slow it up Iwill do If you google a device called Aerobika you will find a device that I just started using four months ago. The people that supply me with oxygen suggested this . It is used by people who have cystic fibrosisThis has helped greatly with the removal of plhem which in turn makes it easier to breathe . The way I look at it keep doing these things the longer I can stay alive ,. Iam also on a new inhaler caLled Breo.It has been good as well. It o pens the lungs used first thing in the morning . These things work for me .
Over and Out
Mad Dog
I forgot to mentwthat I have17% lung function I started t3yers ago and gradually worked up to this.I put the oxygen tank in walker and away I go..funny somebody said I was cheating because of response to them is when was the last time they walked a mile. At least the lungs are getting exercise as opposed to sitting..I find it works up phlegm
I,m confused too. I quit smoking and thought i,d be better but 3 times in 3 year pulmonary failure and icu. It,s so scary. I,m going to start to move around more. I,m not giving up!. Thanks for listening ♡
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