When Doing Pulmonary Rehab Do You Use Your Supplemental O2 While Exercising?
Larry, it sounds like you need high flow O2. If you're dropping into the low 80s with 6 pulse, you're really courting right heart failure and brain damage. Please see your doc and get a portable system that will keep you adequately oxygenated.
yes always.
Jean please pipe in but I use mine when my O2 drops where it shouldn’t be. I stop sometimes and do breathing e revises and it comes up. It throw on the O 2 as well if needed
Jacqueline...I went through Cardiac/Pulminary rehab and they required you to wear oxy. I was using it at level 4 constant flow (Pulm rehab). Cardiac rehab only two of us were on oxy. I would still drop into the 70's (76). I keep forgetting to breathe when I was working out on machines. I go to the YMCA and walk, level 6 pulse and I will drop to 84 to 88. Due to bad back I take two breaks on each lap to let pain subside and catch breathe. Check with your doctor to make sure. Thank you.
Oxgen While Exercising
Just Wondering
Has Anyone In The Group Used A Vibration Board For Working Out? I'm Curious If It Might Be A More Approachable Way To Work Out?