Excessive sweating with COPD , Does anyone else get this?
It can be from COPD, but it's also associated with a number of other conditions. It's always a good idea to let your doc know about things like this so other possibilities can be ruled out.
This isn't exactly an answer, but to let you know your not alone. You sound just like me, I thought I was the only one. I have never sweated in my life until the last 4 yrs, and now its a different story, now I'm like a leaky faucet, water drips off my face, hair at back of neck get soaked and back is the same, very embarrassing at times, have to keep a tissue handy all the times. I do find that if I hold my hands under cold water, then put my cold hands on my face helps a lot. I have also gained weight, and have not found the secret yet to get it off. Take care my friend, and breath easy. If you come up with a solution for the sweating please let me know...
Unfortunately I am rarely cold. My husband said he doesn’t need an electric blanket as he has me! Hahaha.
Unfortunately I sweat with the least little exertion. Profusely. It is very embarrassing. I get overly hot and then perspire. Fluid just pours from my head and face. It is awful. I have asked doctor about it but he doesn’t see it as a problem. I avoid doing things and have now added traveling to that list. I am hot all the time.And the weight gain has been horrible!
I know I sweat at night but I’m OK during the day
Some Times I Get Hot,start Sweating, And Get Light Headed. Any Others Have This Happen To Them?
Does Anyone Get Night Sweats And Is This To Do With COPD I Am Drentched All The Time And Have To Change My Night Wear And Bedding ?
What Setting