Does Anyone Else Feel Like Their Chest Is Like Burning Or On Fire?
This is something you need to take up with your doc. Often people with COPD do have GERD and the problem is that they both make the other worse, so it's a viscous cycle: your GERD makes your COPD worse, and theCOPD makes the GERD worse. Many times the GERD is silent, and not recognized. So see your doc!
I sometimes get this feeling buts either indigestion or heartburn depending on what I have eaten don't think it's COPD related hope this helps you take care an breathe easy
I was diagnosed with Gerd and also microscopic colitis. Thanks for the input.
Why is that? How do they effect each other?
I Get the Heart burn also. What works for me is a Big Glass of water works every time.TRy It.
Has Anyone Tried CBD If So Does It Help
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