Can Neb Treatments Make COPD Worse ?
I read where a few members say nebulizer treatments have made their COPD worse.
Have others had a problem with treatments ? I , myself, have not .
I would like to hear from members who have had Neb treatments worsen their COPD.
Breathe easy and rest if needed .
Well I do not think so, I love my Nebulizer, well it can be a life saver at times, in which I mean no going to hospital, or sudden rush to the doctors.
For the most part the treatments work great for me, with that said there are certain medications that I can not use in a breathing treatment it sends my heart rate, and blood pressure through the roof and then of course my breathing become difficult.
The better breather’s club has respiratory therapists who discussed this topic at one of our sessions. Some of the neb treatments are saline based (simple salt water) to help break up mucus and get you to cough it out.
So, it’s very important that you take the meds in the order recommended (i,e., inhaler first, then saline neb treatments second, for example) to avoid inadvertant complications and obtain the best results from the treatments. Double check all meds with your Docs so that everyone know what you’re taking, and to ensure that nothing contra-indicates anything else you’re taking.
I doubt it nebs make anyone worse ( evidenced based practiced ) National Inititional Clinical Ex Excellence NICE guidelines basically reasearched best evidenced practice safe x Bernadette x
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