Does Anyone Get Sore Ears From Cannula? Amazon Sells Ear Wraps (small Tubes That Fit Over Tubing) That Relieves Pressure.
Yes nasal cannula. I use a tiny piece of duct tape to keep the ear wraps in place.
Moel196 the baseline does not cause you problem with the oxygen. Went I got on oxygen I was told No vaseline not to use vaseline at all because of the oxygen. I would use vaseline went my nose would get to dry till I was told buy the people that bring me my oxygen not to use.So now I buy nose spray
place Canula in this position, behind your head,
You shouldn't use Vaseline in your nose. The petroleum can be flammable from the oxygen. I didn't like the ear wraps, they wouldn't stay on (and I didn't think to try taping them). My oxygen provider has some cannulas with really soft, thin tubing that goes up around your ears. You should talk to your provider and see what's available.
I tried them they don't stay in place for me but maybe they will for you.
Single Cannula
Oxygen Tubing Odor
Oxyggen Tubing.....