Has Anyone Used A Lung Flute And Do They Work
They are very expensive I think but seriously when I was a nurse we cupped our hands and pounded on their backs it sounded like a bunch of Indians. If you ever go in the hospital which I pray you don't ask for one. It works but I like the hands on my back lol
Yes it does work.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member It probably does the same thing.. With the flute they tell you to blow slow and steady then the reed wiggles inside the tube and puts a pulse pressure as you blow... I don't have enough wind to make it work... but it seems the trick they are using is the pulse of the reed that causes pulsing back pressure as you blow.. So it sounds like maybe your digeridoo does the same trick for you.. Congrats on saving money (close to 100.00 with a pack of reeds).. by the way you are welcome to have this flute and the unopened pack of reeds.. if you want them just say so and I will send you my email address so you can send my your address.. I will ship them to you.
Hi ElaineAnn Bush. I have an aerosure ive had it about 4/5yrs now, it does work clears your lungs and when you think we'll that's not working so i won't bother that's when you find out how much it does work. Hope all goes well for you. Take care and breathe easy x
Hi @A MyCOPDTeam Member I looked at how it works and thought "damn, maybe my didgeridoo (I'm an old hippy) will work in the same way". Well I huffed and I puffed and managed two "drones" that fair shook my lungs and contents, almost causing a black out. But boy the gunk didn't half come away from my lungs.
Lung Flute
Has Anyone Used A Lung Flute?
Throat Mucus