How To Do Purse-lip Breathing The Correct Way?
Am I doing this purse lip breathing the right way? I keep my mouth closed and breathe in through my nose and hold my breath as long as I can then push it out through my lips. It just doesn't seem to help that much.
Please remember that you can inhale however you want; nose or mouth, it doesn't matter. You MUST exhale through your mouth for PLB to work. That's how you create the back pressure that allows your exhale to go on longer.
The weather does make a difference in how well we breathe. As long as t dew point is below 55, we usually breathe really well. When it gets higher, it's not so good. A little breeze also helps, as you noted.
The important part of PB technique is the exhale. It need to be long and slow, at least twice as long as your inhale. You need to breathe normally as you do this; don't alter what you do normally too much. Breathe in, and you can do it through your nose or your mouth. Don't hold your breath. Then purse your lips and breathe out slowly for at least twice as long as you inhaled. Don't blow hard; think if blowing to cool hot soup. You can google pursed lip breathing and find videos you can watch. Practice it until it becomes normal. Use it all the time and you will find things will be much easier.
Have you ever been taught to breathe the Lamaze way? That is the way you are supposed to do it. Only use the slower breathing method of it, not the rapid (heh, heh, heh). They teach you to slowly breathe in as deeply as you can. When your lungs are full, put your lips in whistle mode & slowly breathe out until your lungs are out of air. if you don't do it slowly, it will not help you. Just concentrate on the breathing, & don't think of anything else.By the time you have done that for 3 times, you will feel a difference. You will be breathing better too. If you can do it 6 times, you should be back to normal.
enjoyed reading everyones answers we all have it down pat now now I must remember when I am moving around & upset because I am afraid I will reun out of air Ineed to calm down everything will be ok
.What Is This? ( PLB Technique)
Panic Breathing
Continuous Flow And Pulse (conserver) Oxygen