Has Anyone Tried Stem Cell Therapy Or Now Of Anyone Who Has?
There are no stem cell treatments for COPD that have been proven to work. The companies that offer them have lots of testimonials from people who would have you believe that they came to the center weighed down by their O2, on inhaler after inhaler, unable to do anything but cough and gasp, and after treatment, they threw their O2 away, tossed their meds and went skipping down the sidewalk. Ask the people fronting these organizations for any proof that their treatment works, such as, increase in FEV1, reduction in use of O2, reduced medications, improvement in 6 minute walk, or even improvement in quality of life as measured by any of the clinically approved measures (St. George, CAT, etc.) and they get very quiet. My friend, Dr. Robert Sandhaus, a world renowned pulmonologist at National Jewish in Denver, calls it "snake oil". There's a reason neither Medicare nor any insurance company will pay for the treatment. And there's a reason they're charging $3000 to $10,000 for treatment: they want your money.
That said, most of the clinicians and researchers in COPD I know believe that the cure will probably have something to do with stem cells, and there are remarkable things being done in regenerative medicine at a number of universities and research centers, so there is progress being made. There just aren't any treatments now that have had any success.
I would further refer you to this site: https://www.copdfoundation.org/Take-Action/COPD... on-Position-on-Stem-Cell-Therapy.aspx This statement was written and endorsed by all the pulmonologists on the COPD Foundation's Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee, as committee on which I have the privilege to sit. These men and women are some of the most respected physicians in the field. I also suggest this by the American Thoracic Society: http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/10.1164/rccm.195...
Stems cells may indeed hold the key to a cure, but we're not there yet!
I had contacted The Lung Institute before I posted my question. So far you're the only person who has replied positively to my question.
Yes I have and I will be going back for round 2 in October.
Have you called the number I posted?
Did you personally have the therapy and was it helpful? In other words, worth the money spent?
Tissue Nano Transfection look that up or you tube it .Human trials next year Real progress which has implications for human organs like heart , lungs brain as in ppl who suffered stroke and skin . No surgery no rejection because they use your cells hopefully office procedure. This is the future we all dream of not a medication but a real cure
Stem Cell Therpy
Has Anyone Had Stem Cell Therapy
Has Anyone Ever Tried Stem Cell Therapy