I Have Just Been Started On Bevespi Aerosphere By AstraZenica. Twice A Day. Anyone Else Using This Drug And Is It Helping?
Neither, just a patient like you. I've learned and I remember and I have resources that are available to everyone. I've had COPD for a long time and I work as an advocate for people with COPD. No reason why you can't learn, too.
It's a combination of a long acting bronchodilator and an anticholinergic; one of four in this class of meds. It's a combination that doesn't include an inhaled corticosteroid, so that's something you might want to watch out for, if you were on other meds before switching to this one. Some people find that they do just fine on this class of med; others find that they need the steroid component as well. It's a good med. You'll have to see how YOU do with it. Others experiences won't tell you how YOU'LL do.
I was given Bevespi to try ,I read its bad if one has heart desease Lung dr. says its ok. primary dr. said no cause I have a bad heart ,meanwhile I don't know ,used it or no. meanwhile I use a neblulizer ,pulmonart dr. says If I use Bevespi I don't need the neblulizer,,whos right?
Bevespi Aerosphere
Is Any Having Problem Geting Predneson Scrips From Your Doctor I Only Take Them For 5days