Dose Anyone At The End Of The Day, Have A Lot Of Wheezing? Seems Like This Is The Time Of Night. When I Can Hear It Bad. Cough Alot Also.
Ask for a pulmonary device which opens the airways when you blow into it. Then the phelgm comes up better and the wheezing goes away.
I had wheezing at night up until I got on a regular schedule of nebulizing morning and night, I never wheeze anymore as I discharge that mucus during my nebulizing time. I make sure I do this daily and without a miss, makes my life so much easier! Blessings to you and have a easier day my new friend!
Holy would you happen to know what the name of the device it. I have the same issue and cannot stop wheezing and cant seem to get the phlem up no matter what i do.
fortunately, i am not wheezing or coughing at night. when i go to be, the first thought is "what about this copd" and where am i with it. it scares me so. don't mean to upset anyone with this.
Keep all your Dr. appointments, take your meds as prescribed, pray and hope for the best. About all any of us with this terrible disease can do. Blessings for you!
Fatigue And COPD
Rescue Inhalers
What Do We Do About Wheeziness?