Does Anyone Have Acid Reflux With Their COPD?
I have it too didn't know it came from the copd.
Really? I've gained weight but from the meds I'm on. Wish I could just quit taking them all!
Gaviscon chewable tablets work wonders in less than 5 minutes for acid reflux and relieve gas pressure on the lung diaphragm. I chew one, then sit up for a few minutes, burp!, and the reflux is gone.
In my opinion it is crucial to get a Doctor's assessment as soon as possible when you suffer from reflux as with time it get worse and there are amazing medication that helps the burning sensation and prevents reflux from getting worse.
My reflux is caused by my hiatal hernia which was caused when they took my lung. I also have Barrett's esophagus which is indirectly caused by both the hiatel hernia and acid reflux. Unfortunately, unchecked, Barrett's can turn cancerous, which mine did. Thank God they got it all and I go back Monday for the procedure to burn off the rest of the bad cells! Be careful. I take panteprozale twice daily.
Acid Reflux With Copd
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