Muscle Pain
Anybody else get the rib cage pain on their sides?
Just like lower back muscles pain but sometimes hurts to breath too
i have had this and saw dr many times, was treated for infection but never helped. what did help was cinnamon in porridge or on toast sounds daft but did work and cuts down coughing also. breath easy all x
I get usually around my sternum and intercostal spaces feels like a dagger in my chest
I do, I call it lung pain, as that's what it feels like
I've only had it once and suffered a severe exacerbation shortly thereafter. Was told at Emergency and by my doctor that if it happens again to start the regimen of Prednisone and antibiotics for a week. I think it depends on what your "usual" symptoms are. For me, this was a symptom I'd never had before.
A drug called Tarjin helps me with this problem, slow release morphine, lasts 12 hours and non addictive.
Hello Everyone. Does Anyone Get These Awful Episodes Of "muscle Twisting" On Sides Of Rib Cage?
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I Have Like Muscle Spasms In My Back Once In A While , Dont Know If It’s Related To Copd Or My Fibromyalgia ,, Aren’t I Lucky ..