Has It Been Easy Or Difficult To Identify Triggers?
I seem to spend a great deal of time identifying and eliminating triggers to COPD and exasperations..
To all concerned If you worry about what triggers your attacks, that's all that is going to concern you, don't worry about what triggers it, when it happens then you know that that is one thing not to do and so on, but if that is all you do is focus on what triggers your attacks, what do you do for fun, figure out how to stop it, wow so much fun, Sorry folks life is to short to be worring about something that you can't control .
If anyone smokes, make sure that they smoke out side and away from the house. Just A hint of smoke can trigger an attack, and if the people don't want to abide by your wishes then tell them to move out and that includes your spouse, if they are trying to kill you you don't need them around.
I haven't quite figured out what brings mine on yet. It hits me in the day as well as night.
I think it's very important to know what your triggers are so that you can try to avoid them, if possible, and if you choose to. That's not to say that you have to dote on them 24/7. I know pot smoke is my worst trigger, yet I have many close relatives and friends who smoke it. Everybody close to me respects my decision to avoid the smell so they don't smoke it around me. Scented candles are another trigger. My daughters, sisters and sister in law all love scented candles but will not light them if they know I am coming by. I don't attend smoking casinos anymore because common sense tells me the few hours of fun I may have there doesn't outweigh the effects of an exacerbation, but I can still play on-line or host a smoke-free game in my home if I choose. Personally I think it's plain common sense to try to learn what your triggers are, and, if possible, avoid putting yourself in situations where you know you will be exposed to them.
Hi Bea .. I too took awhile to find out what all causes my triggers...there were so many....and I too worked in Broadcasting my whole life as a Producer Director and took it upon myself to education all my friends, families, and neighbors.....some didnt care but many did and truly helped out when I was around....no fires. no perfumes...no colds or flues permitted around me etc. Did this by stating a local group called Every Breath Counts....we hold monthly meetings where we bring in specialists, nurses, paramedics, researchers etc to speak and lets the public have their questions answered....since COVID we have been down but starting back up again in the fall. At our meetings we have COPD suffers but also any lung issues are welcome and we have many from lung cancer to CF patients. They bring along friends, family members, other peers. Since starting a few years back we also have nurses and other medical professional attend meetings to stay up to date on whats out there in our neck of the woods as well.
Question About Triggers
My Doctor Said It Would Be Ok For Me To Use My Hot Tub,, It Does Help Me All Around Feel Better What Do You All Think?
What Triggers Your SOB? Any Advice On How To Avoid Or Recover From It?