Will I Suffocate To Death?
I have heard that the bad news is that I will suffocate to death and that the good news is that I won't know it because of the morphine, which allows one to breathe and takes away the anxiety. I am highly allergic to morphine and cannot take it under any circumstances. Like many, I am not afraid to die; I am afraid of the way I will die. Will I die with the sensation of drowning, of suffocating--my greatest fear--or are there new drugs/treatments to offset this feeling?
At the American Thoracic Society's patient day on the 14th, this question was asked by a COPD patient at our table. Dr. Sandy Sandhaus, the expert doc at the table explained that for many of us, COPD wouldn't be the cause of death; that it would likely be a heart issue that would cause our demise. If it is COPD, there are other medications besides morphine that would quell the anxiety, which is what morphine does. He indicated that actually dying of COPD is quite rare, though the cause of death is often due to complications caused by COPD. Good palliative or hospice care would concentrate on making your comfortable, pain-free and not anxious.
Luanne, no one comes with an "expired by" date stamped on their forehead, not even people with COPD. Life spans vary greatly. I've had COPD since 1985, and learned that it's quite possible to have an active and fulfilling life with this chronic condition. The keys are: no smoking, daily exercise of at least 30 minutes, normal weight, take your meds, get your flu and pneumonia shots, stay away from people with bugs and get to your doc ASAP when you do get something respiratory. I suggest you go to www.copdfoundation.org and begin your COPD education. You'll learn a lot that will help you.
Same here...It was a huge battle to convince the powers that I needed a ''Downer'' that worked fast....Eventually i was put on Alprazolam (Xanax) 0.5 x 3 Daily for both depression, anxiety and panic, all of which can make a SOB episode get totally out of control..
Now after being put on one of the best all round SSRI's..Escitalopram (Lexapro) and allowing enough time for it to take hold properly, the Alpraz or Xanax is basically a PRN or ''As Needed'' in case of Emergency or if I anticipate a Stressful Event coming up, then it does the job of keeping you on a level that gets you to remain calm and rational....
Many people with COPD take Zanax which I do twice a day and it keeps me calm. Just a low dose 0.25 mg or Alprazolam for about 3 years now.
No you will not die like that my mum had copd and died of heart failure due to her condition she died in 2012 in her sleep without warning she wouldn't have suffered at all perfect way to go we were so blessed by knowing this please do not worry x
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