What Drug Has Given You The Worst Side Effect?
All the doctors say copd is a smoking related disease, I'm not sure about all you lovely people on here but myself i think only 85% is smoking related the rest is due to the environment and the work you did/do. I was brought up in thick smog dirty smoke from factories and mines, i also worked in the Cotten and chocolate industry and im sorry to say i did and still do smoke, I never smoked a lot and didn't start until i was about 21. I always have them in but now only have one if im to stressed out. I'm not saying you shouldn't stop if that's what you want to do each to their own my nana used to say. I've thought long and hard on this with family help and we think it really started in 1995 when i had a kitchen fire which brought on a severe asthma attack . Don't think my lungs got over the shock as i had lots more after that. I try and keep as active as I can and give thanks for another day. Take care everyone sorry for goin on a bit but I reckon the younger ones who are diagnosed early enough have a better chance of a better life xx
I'm seeing a lot about arthritis and omega3's. If you can try some golden honey for inflammation. I started on it for the inflammation in my lungs two years ago. Then realized about a year later the arthritis that had started giving me trouble in my hands was all but gone. I only take a 1/4 teaspoon a day so it doesn't thin my blood. Just check with your doctor. Next thing, coconut oil full of short and medium chain amino acids, great for your (everything). Do your research see what you think. Sometimes a little addition to your diet can work wonders.
I did not even know some of my meds. were steroids. Just saw my arms bruised and skin thin and found out why here. I get told nothing. Now have a lot of information I never knew and it came from this site. Eternally grateful. Don't feel lost now.
Hope everyone having good day and night. Hugs.
I think I can cope with most side effects better than the side effect from the drug that got me in this situation in the first place ...... NICOTINE........
I belive for most people smoking is an issue but I also belive the environment comes into play a lot ,I work at a paper mill with a large refinery right behind it ,on the other side of town is another pulp and paper,now that I work the over night shift I find my breathing somewhat better.
Has Anyone Tried Boswellia Serrata?
Anyone With Copd Take Zinc And NAC?
Anyone On Low Dose Prednisone?