Are There Alternative Therapies That Work?
My current medications allow me to go to work (office based) but I can't do any exercise or anything strenuous. I used to be so active and I get depressed and frustrated that I can't go hillwalking or cycling any more.
Has anyone had any success with alternative therapies? I'm thinking of things like acupuncture, herbalism etc. I admit to being a bit of a sceptic but I'm prepared to try anything.
I'd love to hear of other people experiences in this area.
I use BREATH EASIER (essential oil) in my humidifier....aroma therapy works great for my breathing issues. I have stage 3 COPD. Can purchase at Amazon. I also do essential oils for breathing on stove on simmer (watch water level so you don't burn pan or house down!) Eucaliptus is good, anything methol is good too. I also take Spiriva and Symbacort and use emergency inhaler when needed. Hope this helps :) God Bless!
If you an go to work, you can certainly begin an exercise program. Check with your doc to see if there are any limitations you should be aware of, but then ask about Pulmonary Rehab. That's a supervised program of exercise designed to help you learn how to exercise within your capacities and tech you about COPD. The thing you should learn above all else is hat exercise is the best thing you can do for yourself after you quit smoking, and that you should exercise every day.
I've been exercising since my diagnosis in 2000. I try to work out every day despite a very busy traveling and consulting schedule. My FEV1 is 34%, so that means I'm in the severe stage, but by staying in good shape, I ensure that I don't get sick very often and when I do, I get over it quickly.
If there's no reason why you shouldn't exercise, get going. You'll find you'll feel a whole lot better. It's a free alternative medicine!
I take Clear Lungs and Ive been looking into essential oils for help. Id love to know if anyone else has any experience with essential oils too!
Hi Gary my salt pipe is just a little ceramic pot I fill with salt crystals,then inhale,I do that when I'm watching tv, I swear by mine it makes a big difference to the cough,then my salt lamp is switched on all day. I bless the day I found the article about them on line.x
Advair 250 worked wonders for me. The doctor also added Spiriva. I have not tried acupuncture or herbs. Don't be sceptic when it comes to your health, try different things and if they don't work then stop. Talk to your doctor. I don't know what area you are from but, I am from PA and now live in FL. The cold weather does affect my condition. Take exercise slow, remember COPD is treatable but progressive. Good luck, Misterdugmore.
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