Does Anyone Get A Pain In Their Chest That Kind Of Feels Like Heartburn But Worse?
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I have found that a lot of us do have the pain in our chest & its just not "right" so I know some of us have "gerd" & there are pills to help with that..Talk to your Dr & I am sure he will rx you something for it.
I was told that pain in ribs and chest are due to your lungs overworking to breath and expanding pushing on other parts which causes there to be less oxygen going to other parts of body. Mind you i had heart attack 6 years ago so chest pain is nothing to take lightly.
Hello I get pains in my chest and it feels like someone has one of those rib openers . Sent me to the hospital a few times and they always go to my heart the only thing inside me that is really good is my heart lol then they said it's barrets disease of a suffices (bad spelling sorry) so they have me on protonix sorry I didn't finish this answer here we go. The protonix helps but onc in a while the pain comes back I think someone said in there answer that the lungs are over worked and I think they are right it's mainly on my left side my left lung gives me more problems then the right. Our Dr. Scott and hospital are training grounds for up coming nurses and doctors I have a lot of faith in my main lung Dr. But I have been seeing all the training assistance . And I think sometimes I'm smarter thenot them. I tell put down the book and try what we go through. Jump in a pool holding you're breath and when that breath is gone continue to stay under ........or run passed gasping for air continue. .....anyways I didn't know I had heart burn until after I had a throat scope.
Try a gulp or two of Diet 7-up or any "fizzy" drink! One good belch (I know it ain't ladylike) and I feel so much better.
Has Anyone Tried The Breztri Inhaler. Seems Ever Since I Started It I Have Not Been The Same .
I Don't Mix With People Or Go Shops So I Don't Catch Germs Is This A Good Idea I Been Isolating 5 Yrs Only Go Hospital Appointment
Does Anyone Have Any Recommendations For Backup Power For Your Oxygen Concentrator In Case Of Power Outages? Something Affordable.