Social Security Disability
I am very grateful for finding this website. Lots of valuable information and can easily relate to most of the posts. I really hope no one thinks badly of me for asking this, but has anyone tried to get or do get social security disability because of COPD? I was on continuous oxygen, now I only have to use it "As needed", a nebulizer, Sybacort and Ventolin and other meds for different things. I worked all of my adult life up to last Oct., 2014. I'm pretty much useless on bad days.
Yes I do get DLA/PIP payments for COPD I only get the minimum for mobility as when unwell can't walk very far at all just about make it to the loo but am in the system so as I deteriorate over the years will hopefully get higher rate when required. Hope this helped
Tina, I just joined the group and read you post from 21 days ago. I know you have many replies so I'll add my 2 cents. COPD is an automatic qualifying disability if you PFT (Pulmonary Function Test)numbers are below social Security's standards. You need goo medical records and a copy of your PFT. There is a 5 month waiting period from the time you apply before checks start if you are approved. So do not delay, you can apply on line but do not hesitate to call Social Security for questions. They are not the IRS, they like to help. Good luck.
Go on government website it's personal independence payments have a read and apply got nothing to lose but might gain something x
I receive ssdi for copd. apply. I was approved in 3 weeks, but it takes 18months to receive the actual benefit. start soon!
IF denied and you appeal you may need / will need a lawyer to handle it. Do not worry about cost as they handle it on a if you win they get paid basis and the money comes from your check . You will get a check for all the months you have waited going back to the date of the claim opening .
Has Anyone File Social Security Disability For Copd
Disability And Social Security
I'm 50 And Have COPD.. It's Getting So Hard To Work Does Anyone Know If I Would Qualify For Social Security Disability?