Does Anyone Else Have Tightness In Shoulders And Back Of Neck? What About Chapped Lips?
I have been feeling a lot of tightness in my shoulders and the back of my neck lately. I am assuming because I breathe so hard???? Just wondering if anyone else felt this. Also my lips have been chapping really bad for the past month. Any ideas?
Tightness in the shoulders and having them up as if you are shrugging them without realizing it till it get uncomfortable could be a sign of anxiety. i had this problem and told my doctor she prescribed anti anxiety meds and it is much better, she also told me it is common for people with copd to have anxiety.
Tightness in the shoulders is one of the signhs that you are using your shoulder muscles to help you breathe. One of the signs is that when you get short of breath and continue what you're doing, your shoulders wind up hovering around your ears. You need to get to Pulmonary Rehab so you can learn appropriate breathing techniques and regain some muscle tone everywhere.
OK wanted to share what I have learned about this. Went to doctor and we discovered, through a misunderstanding on my part, I had stopped taking my anxiety pills (normally twice a day). I started back on them and the pain in the neck and shoulders has decreased to such a degree I hardly ever notice it anymore. SO if you are having this problem and not on anxiety medication TALK TO YOU DOC! Good luck and breath easy :)
When I have to breath in deep for a while to feel like I am catching my breath it makes my neck hurt really bad. It causes panic feelings & makes my breathing worse. I just have to make myself stay calm & relax for a bit.
Yes they same thing happens to me ,about lips I always carry a lip balm that helps but hay hoo! We are still kicking
How Do You Relieve Tightness In The Chest? I've Been Doing Pursed Lip Breathing But It Only Helps For A Short While.
Post 3:
I’ve Heard There Are Ways To Do ‘breath Training’ For People That Suffer From COPD – What Are They?