How Do You Relieve Tightness In The Chest? I've Been Doing Pursed Lip Breathing But It Only Helps For A Short While.
Do the pursed-lip breathing, but SLOW IT RIGHT DOWN, do it GENTLY, and focus on a much longer and slower EXhale. Make the whole process much more RELAXED.
Hi, I find steam can help as well to relieve the mucus and tension. It’s one of the worse things with having lung conditions
When my chest feels tight and sometimes so tight it hurts, I find it to be self-inflicted stress/anxiety. Once I realize this, I try find a quiet place in my mind to try and relax, like everything else I do, it takes practice. Using breathing techniques is with the sole purpose of relaxing the knots in my body and mind.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member thank you.
I am just seeing this post now, @A MyCOPDTeam Member, so I’m sorry to be late to the discussion. Have you ever tried a hand-held massager on your chest to help relax the tightness?
A lot of doctors prescribe broncho-dilators (see photo for possible Rx names you’re familiar with) and in my case, the doc has prescribed theophylline capsules to help keep my chest muscles relaxed to promote easier breathing.
When it’s really aggravating, I have a Wahl hand-held electric massager, and I don’t hesitate to massage my chest muscles and the back of my neck to try and loosen my breathing strain and relax my neck muscles.
I hope you’ve found something to help you by now.
Monday, 21-OCT-24
Panic Breathing
.What Is This? ( PLB Technique)
Which Exercises Are Best For Sob And Chest Tightness? I Do Pursed Lip Breathing And It Helps. I'm Looking For Physical Exercises.