I Have Told To Always Try Purse Lip Breathing But I Tend To Get Anxious When I Am Even Not Having A Shortage Of Breath
anyone know how to get past the anxiousness when trying to breath as i tense up immediately
Thank you for your comments and suggestions nice to know there are people out there who take the time to help will definitely try these maybe while sitting in the sunshine today after work.
Klind sitting in the sun doing breathing excersizes is such a wonderful feeling for me and plus u r getting vitamin D which is good for us
Close your eyes & think of a place you love like a beach And your sitting there with your feet in the water. Thats what i do & start your pursed lipped breathing.
I close my eyes sit very still and listen to the breathing air going into my body. I try to track it as it enters. Then i feel the air leave my body when i exhale. Just try to stay calm and meditate. It takes take but it works for me
Thank you will try that this evening I find I get much more short of breath as the month of May approaches
Panic Breathing
Can Pursed Lip Breathing Raise Our Oxygen Levels?
Does Anybody Else Have A Problem With Periods Of Not Being Able To Draw A Breath In.