What Kind Of Excerises Should I Be Doing To Help Improve My Breathing?
Aerobic exercise, at least 30 minutes every day and weight/resistance training for upper, lower and core muscle groups. These will help you get in better condition and conditioned muscles O2 more efficiently. If this seems impossible, come back and I can give you ideas on how to get started on a good exercise program.
I have started a breathing regiment. Breath in through the nose for 2 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, breathe out through mouth with purged lips for 4 seconds and hold for 5 seconds before repeating 5 times. After this becomes easier, try holding for 10 seconds each time. It's helped me!!
I don't always have the energy, but I do feel better if I have exercised. Some days it is sitting in front of the computer- but even that is not bad.
Hi 51George. You could try getting into pulmonary rehab, they will give you exercises and tell you all you need to know about what to eat, how to cope when you get breathless and answer any questions you may have. take care
Dan, I used the machines at rehab-treadmill, bike and nu-step, which are things I don't have here--that is why I joined a gym. But just using the air bike and walking around the house or yard if you can manage it are exercise. Also. you can use weights(even soup cans to start) and those weights are also on the internet- Weights are mostly moving your arms up and down-back and forth with the weights. As Christina said--there are a lot of exercises on the internet that can be found. Look up lung exercises, or exercises for COPD. Many can be done sitting down. I also recommend Tai Chi--Again you can find the first 10 moves on the internet and they are really just slow movement and deep breathing--Good luck on finding things to keep you moving.
Has Anyone Tried The Breztri Inhaler. Seems Ever Since I Started It I Have Not Been The Same .
Fibrosis And COPD
Are There Any Exercises That Will Flatten The Stomach And Help With Lazy Diarrhea?