Has Anyone Tried The Salt Inhaler? I'm Also Thinking Of Getting A Salt Lamp.
I know being around salt air helps. I live in Florida on the Gulf Coast and the closet I get to the ocean the better I feel.
Yes, they do have salt inhalers. They sure sound good to me, but won't try them until I have Dr. approval. The salt lamps are helping a lot, even my husband notices a difference.
I keep a Himalaya salt lamp next to my bed.It helps me sleep better.
Sure no problem
Becky salt air is cleaner because it naturally filters out some particles in the air before we breath them in. The stem cell I called on it and it is very expensive right now and most say it does not work.
What Do We Do About Wheeziness?
Would Anyone In The Toledo Area , Would Like To Meet For A COPD Walk?
Have Any Of You Used The Salt Caves ?