MyCOPDTeam has partnered with the Home Rehab Network to bring you videos filled with helpful tips and exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home.
It’s important for anyone with a chronic illness to eat nutritious foods. While many people think healthy eating is short on flavor, it can be easy to cook something anyone would want for dinner. In this video, respiratory therapist Alex Grichuhin from the Home Rehab Network shows how to make chicken with cranberry-pear chutney. “Chicken is a terrific choice for people with COPD because it contains L-Cysteine, an amino acid that helps repair damaged lung tissues,” says Alex. “In addition, the ginger in the recipe helps boost the immune system.”
Do you have any questions for Alex about COPD and diet? Post them in the comments below.
Alexander Grichuhin, RRT-RCP, Co-Founder / CEO of Home Rehab Network
Alex is a top respiratory therapist in pulmonary rehabilitation. He founded Home Rehab Network because he found that people with COPD needed more tools at home to supplement their therapy.
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The Dish Looks Very Good But Can You Post A Recipe Instead Of Showing A Video Please?
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can u please tell me the best fruits to eat I have severe emphysema 27% lung function also on Oxygen nebulizer 3 puffers also stage 3 cancer survivor 4 major surgeries & now this i quit smoking… read more
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