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We have exciting news: MyCOPDTeam has a new look to keep you better connected with the community!...

New and Improved Changes to MyCOPDTeam

We have exciting news: MyCOPDTeam has a new look to keep you better connected with the community!...
If you have COPD, you may be at greater risk for pneumonia. Many members of MyCOPDTeam have bouts...

Pneumonia and COPD

If you have COPD, you may be at greater risk for pneumonia. Many members of MyCOPDTeam have bouts...
Although there isn’t yet a cure for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), there are effec...

COPD Treatment Guide: Medications, Lifestyle Changes, and More

Although there isn’t yet a cure for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), there are effec...
Symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) vary in each individual and by stage of...

Symptoms of COPD

Symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) vary in each individual and by stage of...
Shortness of breath causes discomfort and anxiety. Inhalers are an important part of COPD managem...

Inhalers and COPD

Shortness of breath causes discomfort and anxiety. Inhalers are an important part of COPD managem...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive condition — symptoms can worsen ove...

8 Signs Your COPD May Be Worsening

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive condition — symptoms can worsen ove...
You probably already know that COPD is one of the most expensive health conditions. COPD includes...

Costs Associated With COPD

You probably already know that COPD is one of the most expensive health conditions. COPD includes...
By Steven Reinberg, HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Sept. 18, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Thousands of A...

Zapping Airway Nerves May Help COPD Patients Breathe

By Steven Reinberg, HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Sept. 18, 2018 (HealthDay News) -- Thousands of A...
Shortness of breath can make it hard to stay active with COPD. Sometimes called SoB, shortness of...

Staying Active and COPD

Shortness of breath can make it hard to stay active with COPD. Sometimes called SoB, shortness of...
When you have COPD, breathing takes effort - and that can cause fatigue. “Fatique is my major pro...

Fatigue and COPD

When you have COPD, breathing takes effort - and that can cause fatigue. “Fatique is my major pro...