Air Quality, How Does It Effect COPD Patients In Daily Living?
Hello @A MyCOPDTeam Member Obviously, fumes, fires, gaz, toxines are detrimental to all. Here is a link you might find interesting. Remaining at your disposal, Hugs 🧸
Hi Earnest. AIR Quality is a VERY general term - like COPD. They both vary from Place to place - and Person to person. 🤔
As you know, the air we breathe can be affected by many things. The most common are Weather, Pollutants and Ventilation. Of course there are apps which can track the first two, but #3 is probably most elusive at the ground level. IT would include things like humidity, scents, smells and GOOD circulation in YOUR Space. For example, a lot of the COVID spread was later found to be magnified in older buildings with poor (or contaminated) duct and fan systems.
For me, I have apps which alert me to changing weather patterns (air pressure and humidity) which affects the lungs the most. I also try to avoid small spaces and large crowds - regardless of how fancy the building looks. 😉 Start taking your notes and your will find a combination or pattern that keeps you in the BEST breathing shape a majority of the Time.
be Well
@A MyCOPDTeam Member, I don't have much trouble with air quality because I stay indoors but changes in barometric pressure really affect my breathing. High pressures make it harder to breathe because it means colder and drier air. I live in South Louisiana where we usually have lower barometric pressures and more humidity and my body is use to that. Air quality caused by smoke and ozone does make it harder for most COPDers. WallyMac
Weather changes in temperature, humidity and other things can be hard on people who have breathing issues like we do and the most important thing is that those who don't have these things don't understand the effects that they have on us and they expect us to be able to do as they do. It's hard to get some people to stop and think about our limitations and dial back their unreasonable expectations. They don't know that trying to please or help them can cause serious problems for people who have problems like us. It is important for us to get them on the same page as we are for the sake of our health and our sanity.
Hey ! I live about a mile from power plants and the refinery's. I find that I live by the air quality index guide . I have found that my breathing is absolutely more difficult and irritated since I've moved here . Weather also sets me up for the days I have . Follow your air quality and the weather !
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