Physically Cold All The Time. Discovered That My Medications Cause Me To Very Lightly Sweat (full Body) Which Causes Me To Feel Cold 24/7.
Hi, @A MyCOPDTeam Member -
Due to your body’s struggle to breathe, and concentrating its efforts on keeping your major organs functioning and protected, you may find your exhaustion also has you moving less, impacting your circulation for keeping you warm.
It may sound counter-intuitive, but you have to exercise daily to force air into your extremities, and to keep your circulation up.
In my case, especially in the colder and drier months when I’m less active due to everything hurting, I have to keep my head covered in order to stay warm enough. Don’t hesitate to buy some beanies for wearing year round, or to cover your head with a towel if you lie down to nap and simply can’t get warm.
Hope this info helps.
Thursday night, 09-JAN-25
(Photo credit - Winter 2018, Nap time with Katie, my fur-coated diva)
Oh, @A MyCOPDTeam Member, I am so happy you’re starting pulmonary rehab !
I am finding it very helpful for increasing my activity level and overall mobility, and hope it helps you as well. I’m going to miss it when the classes end on the 23rd of January.
Happy Monday to you. 13-JAN-25
I agree!! I have used a beanie for years to stay warm AND it helps to keep my canula in place when sleeping, 😁
I am starting pulmonary rehab this week to help me get started on an exercise program that will help me keep my minuscule muscles in shape and help me with depression.
Does Anyone Else Get Server Night Sweats?
Why Am I Always Cold?
I Would Like To Know Its Freezing And I Am Sweating A Lot