Does Anyone Have Any Advice For Thinning Bruising Skin From Prednisone That And Blood Thinners Dermatologist Was No Help. Thank You
@A MyCOPDTeam Member I didn't even realize that the steroid inhalers like wixela and advair cause thinning of the skin. I seem to get less on my arms in winter when I am wearing long sleeves. The rest of the year you can try the gardening or UV protection sleeves you can get for a few dollars on Temu. I often have more when I get up in the morning so I am going to try wearing them to bed too.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member the bruising is from the blood thinners and it will happen if you even LOOK at your skin wrong. As far as I know there is nothing that will change that. The thinning skin may also be from blood thinners but I'm not sure about that. I'm pretty sure this is one of those things we are just going to have to live with; OR you could ask your general doctor about it.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member @A MyCOPDTeam Member Inhaled corticosteroids induce the bruising, which is due to the thinning of the cells lining vessels under the skin. This can cause the vessels to break easily so that even a simple bump can cause a bruise. This is one of those trade offs that people with lung diseases like COPD have to deal with.
This should be addressed to your GP.
Too often, doctors don't revise the medication, corticosteroids might be taken off if your are not a COPD exacerbator.
Hugs and tenderness 🧸
Yes, kidney disease is the reason I am taking a blood thinner. Thanks for the additional information on thinning and bruising skin! HAPPY NEW YEAR @A MyCOPDTeam Member
@A MyCOPDTeam Member
"Love means never have to say you're sorry" (cf. Love Story movie).
You are also right, many factors cause skin bruising, like if you have kidney disease, are on blood thinner (Heparin, Aspirin), also ageing people, have COPD,...: capillaries become more fragile and tissue surrounding the blood vessels weakens. Skin thins and loses the fatty tissue that helps protect vessels and cause easy bruising.
Hugs 🧸
Does Anyone Else Just Has To Barely Hit Theirselves, Especially On Hands And Arms And Make Red Places, It Doesn't Take A Lot.
What Does Cause Blood Brusing.