Is Anyone Using The PEP Buddy And Feel That It's Helping Their Breathing?
Hi Alice I don’t use it I Breathe in deeply through the nose and out slowly with pursed lips , it may make you cough which it’s meant too
Take care
No but I'm now using the spirator every hour. It seems to help. I'm out of the hospital now. I still have a long way to go.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member it's a rubber thing you put in your mouth that you exhale through.
It's best to google it because I'm not good at describing it. Maybe just another gimmick but would like to hear from someone who uses it.
Never heard of this what is it? Monday/30/ 2024
What is THE PEP BUDDY I've not heard of it before .
Does Anyone Is Using The PEP Buddy ? Is It Worth The Try / Advantages Comparing With Pursued-lips Breathing ? New Gadget ?
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