Smoked For 48 Yrs 1-1/2 Pls A Day. On Oxygen 24x7 With Brief Weaning For 20minute Periods. Now Smoke 3-5 Cigs A Day. Will Giving Up Help?
Hi Richard. I don't say this to be cruel, BUT because it is TRUE.
Some changes from choice to STOP smoking start to happen within minutes. Our body won't acknowledge that because of "The HABIT". Others changes continue over the next few days and weeks as well.
The BEST change is when you start to feel Better about yourself for making the Change in your lifestyle. Nothing worth Good has been Easy in Life. I'd trade mine for it IF could. Besides, you have nothing better to do with your Time now any way.
SO, be Better - Sooner - Longer.
Well Yes!!!! Can't you tell just by the amount you have lessened. You are pretty much stopped, those last few your smoking are not helping you relax. When you fully stop and give it a few weeks you will be able to tell.
@A MyCOPDTeam Member - All the responses likely offer encouragement and reiterate what we all know, including me, that quitting is the best. I am sharing this as I was or thought I was, think I am, unable to quit. NJOY is an e-cig - not a vape or juice or whatever those things are. Njoy resembles a cigarette but is black and operates on a lithium battery - inhale and the far end lights up and exhale produces a visual "smoke". My pulmonary doctor doesn't approve but accepts that I use these. I've been on O2 for 10 years (pneumonia) and switched to these. 4.5% nicotine is the one I use, higher % of nicotine are available. I don't know if Njoy still has a website. I order mine from the Electric Tobacconist website. I have found I can go quite some time between "puffs" unlike having to smoke a cigarette once lit. My apologies to all for sharing this but I have compassion for those who can't seem to master quitting. I actually "smoke" much, much less. As always... in all ways... Narrowdog
Very nice of you to share your method on here @A MyCOPDTeam Member. I thought I was one of those who just couldn't quit either, but I did. However, I can certainly empathize with those who just can't seem to do it. Chris
November 29, 2024
Still Smoking
Anyone Using E-cigs/vaping?