Anyone Have "flares" That Last Longer, Run Together, Then Become The "new Normal"?
Can be hard to tell the difference between a flare that doesn't go away or progression of the disease - i.e. New Normal.
I currently feel like I'm on the verge of a flare up. Getting some pain in my right lung area and very short of breath the past 2 days. Also, went to the store and came home with a little wheeziness. Just took a mucinex and hoping that'll fix it.
why to the hospital???? I go to the hospital when I am in full flare up if the at home ( copd) I call them kits we get them in three steps starting out with all dose of anti-bi and predisone and if that does not help WE GET SECOND THEN A THIRD ONE AND BY THAT TIME i CAN TELL YOU i AM READY TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL if home has not helped and usually spend 6 to 8 days in there', come out ready to try all over again and have this COPD stir up some more trouble you must be in just the start of this girl reading and talking to other I still have not even learned about this don't even know what stage I am and health care answers are all the same I DONT KNOW I have also learned that this Copd thing does not affect everyone the same way anyways got to go Have a good day tomarrow okay
I have and then I do a visit to the hospital!!!
yep sure do my newest trick to go along with the others is my lymnth hodes decided to treat them self and here I sit with swollen limbs sometimes hot to the touch and for entertainment I get to peel the dead skin off oh yippee what fun
New Lung Treatments
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