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Are You Or A Loved One With COPD A Military Veteran?

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Francisco, CA

How challenging is accessing medical care and veterans' benefits for COPD?

November 11, 2024
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

I am an Army vet. I get VA care. I’ve had stage 4 copd for about ten years. I’ve had two lung cancer surgeries and take infusions but I still get around at 73. I enjoy riding my motorcycles fishing and most of all reading and studying my Bible. I have to work out regularly to keep my breathing strong and stay active but it’s well worth it. I hope everyone is having a a good day.

November 11, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

The VA has been involved in all my care for past 15 years. For the most part I have no complaints but do most definitely have to be my own stringent advocate.

November 12, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I am a vet Royal Regiment Fusiliers Uk me{billy] Ian John Jimmy this in 1980 we were practicing for the queen's inaugural parade i was on duty as guard commander this day , so was the scruffy looking one on the left Ha Ha.. was being drilled by RSM next day with the lads.

November 12, 2024 (edited)
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Yes, I am retired Navy as is my husband. VA rated disability of 90% but pushing to get the full 100%. I have it noted in my active duty record I was exposed to asbestos at one of my commands and am probably going to file for that because of my lung cancer diagnosis in 2019.
Access depends on what priority category of the 6 you fall in. You can find information about same all over the internet. You can apply by going to a VA Hospital patient registration. You will know that day if they can accept the veteran you are asking for, including yourself. You must have your DD-214 and will be required to give them your annual income information.
Access also depends on each hospitals funding. The ones who are recouping the most money by filing for care given for a non-service connected illness, disease or injury with those who also have private health insurance, and as any civilian medical facility would, allows more vets to access care from the VA.
Be aware that the quality of care is not consistent from one VA hospital to the next. I used the one in Indianapolis and after 10 years of finding a lot of incompetency, I stopped using them and used my Tricare instead. That decision saved my life. I honestly feel if I was under the VA for my COPD and cardiology, I wouldn't be here to respond.
I am now 69 years old, have my Medicare Part A and B, with Tricare for Life and outside of my monthly payment for part B and reasonable co-pays for my prescription meds I have no out of pocket expenses for my healthcare. Blessed because I have had a few major surgeries, expensive procedures, multiple CT and MRI scans related to my lung cancer ongoing monitoring and don't have the added stress of wondering how I was going to pay for anything not covered. It's all pretty much 100% cover.

November 26, 2024
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I am an Army vet. I have COPD as well as BE (bronchiectasis). Though I have VA coverage, I currenly get my care through Medicare just because its more convenient for me.

November 11, 2024

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