Can You Describe Your Fatigue? I Can Have Energy, Go On Errands, But My Battery Runs Out In 10 To 15 Minutes Of Moving (walk, In A Store)
COPD for several years. Trelogy daily, no oxygen
I am also on trelogy daily, no o2 . Some days are far better than others. One thing I have learned over the last 6 years is to listen to my body. To be mindful of the heat/cold/humidity and to plan accordingly.
Some days I do ok ,then other times I have to stop because I find my self being unable to breathe right .
Trelogy is awesome 👏
Has Anyone Had Their Plug-in 02 Concentrator Shut Down In A Flicker Power Outage?
Exhausted & Weak
Okay, How Many Minutes Does Your Nebulizer Run When Using A Standard 3ml Plastic Vial Of Whatever Liquid Is Prescribed For You?