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Any Solutions For Panic Attacks? 24/7 On Oxygen Edward

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
posted July 19
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

Sometimes it helps to read a Q or A and realize I'm NOT alone. Thx

posted July 26
A MyCOPDTeam Member

@A MyCOPDTeam Member right again! 🍀👌Anxiety, panic attacks, and dépression are going unfortunately Hand in Hand with COPD. I'm on Xanax the lowest dose 1 half tablet and it's going fine. When sometîmes going to Emergency, doctors seemed to attribue my panic attack to a psychologic cause... So stupid, but worst they are totally unaware of COPD comorbidities! 🫣 Hugs Michael 😻

posted July 19
A MyCOPDTeam Member

There are some breathing technics that you can you to calm you down, also some meditation.
But anxiety and panic attacks are common with COPD and just makes breathing worse as it tightens up your lungs. My Pulmonologist sent me to my GP to get put on some anxiety medicine. As I would have panic attacks when going out. She prescribed me some but I only use a half a pill when I am having one and it takes care of it. She also taught some breathing exercises which help sometimes too.
I'm sure your Dr's can work to gather to find something to was it for you.

posted July 19
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Have a fan close by you when you fell like your having a panic attack pit it on o find that helps

posted July 19
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thanks for info. Didnt know panic attacks were common - definitely not used to them therefore was slow to recognize what was happening - slowing down my rushing mind with breathing helps

posted July 22

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