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What Is Worse Hot Or Cold Days

A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
posted July 16
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

I have trouble with the cold. Makes me tense up till my muscles ache.

posted July 26
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Heat.....I just can't do heat

posted July 25
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Me also @A MyCOPDTeam Member! I was diagnosed @7 years ago and keep active by walking and other exercising. I just gave up mowing lawns this year knowing and being told by 2 people that all the dust, pollen, etc is no good for COPD. It has been a record hot summer with humidity in MA (USA) in the 90's so glad I'm done. I don't remember seeing you before so if you are new, then welcome!!! Have met so many great people and now friends as well as medical advice so am glad I found this site! All the options are at the top (2 lines, circle, picture ) which by clicking on opens new doors. Take care and stay well!!!πŸ˜€πŸ‘

posted July 25
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Heat and humidity are worse for me.

posted July 25
A MyCOPDTeam Member

@A MyCOPDTeam Member…. Hi:) Heat and cold affects each person differently. I would hv to say the heat is worse for me.

posted July 16

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