Anyone Else In The Final Stages Of C.O.P.D.?'My Partner's Been Told There's Nothing More That Can Be Done.
He spends all day and night in bed on his oxygen machine .He `also has heart failure,The future's quite grim right now.
He is letting it mentally get to him and is depressed. But there is no date on a toe tag for him. He needs to get up and fight it. That doesn't mean he is going to die any time soon.
I am stage 4 and so are many here that have been for 20 plus years. But I am not letting it take life away from me.
Good for you @A MyCOPDTeam Member!! I always knew you were a fighter--of this disease I mean.
Hi ChrisWells,
Tell your other half Happy Easter from me and tell him to think about the good days in the past and tell him to take it steady.
Think about the good lord , how much suffering he had to endure on the cross.
Peace be with you both,I will say one for him.I wish I could do more!!!!
Hold his hand and say a little prayer from me to him.
Kish Tura
About A Procedure
I Have Emphysema And My Breathing Is Getting Worse
Stage 4