Mucus Production At A High ,constantly Trying To Clear Chest . What Can I Do To Help This ?
Was diagnosed with COPD some years ago ,but diagnosis wasn't conclusive. Another consultant
said Asthma but not conclusive . Had Pleurisy which scarred left lung ,left me in a lot of pain on left side which I still suffer from . Flairs up if I get a cold or flu and mucus production flairs up as well. Constantly trying to clear it
Have been to GP on countless occasions and get the same answer : chest sounding and all clear ,but I feel constantly congested. Have inhaler at night & morning and… read more
A lot of people have the same problem you do and have developed a routine that helps with expelling the mucus. Such a routine might involve using Mucinex and other otc medicines, the huff cough, nebulizing saline and/or albuterol, cupping or percussion, a vest, and postural drainage techniques.
Brian, I too have breathing problems. Can't make it the 50 yards to my front gate without feeling breathless. Don't know what to do about this, other than the breathing exercises I do every morning, or the inhalers and full-time oxygen I'm dependent on. There has to come time when nothing will ever be enough,and I am ever more conscious of this. I turned 77 this past November, and I'm sorry to admit I don't expect to see 78. These are facts. I am not exaggerating. I pray for all who suffer from this disease, and I know all of us regret the time spent doing damage to our lungs. I should write about this -- I'm a writer, after all! That's a solice. See if you can find one for yourself.
Musinex 1200 twice a day. It’s a must!
Me too. I also sip on water while I'm on the stationary bike. Before I know it, the congestion starts breaking up. Curious about your various diagnoses though. Seems like somebody should find out what's going on.
Bouts Of Mucus That Won't Move
Has Anyone Heard Off Air Physio
Does Anyone Cough So Much They Feel They Are Going To Choke To Death And Can't Breath?