Up All Night
Have you ever tried to stay up all night because ‘breathing like this’ made you wonder if you would ever open your eyes again? That’s called a bad night. Unless, of course, you’ve got Willie with you.
I have stayed up all night because I was in distress and very upset. Sometimes I have a hard time getting to sleep or staying sleep. I don't like tossing and turning all night and I just say the heck with it and get up. It's pretty annoying but it is better than wasting time doing nothing.
My husband fell down the basement stairs on 9/3, head to the concrete 🥺 and sustained traumatic brain injury. (I feel like I’ve already told this story here.) A month plus in ICU, a craniotomy then a month plus at an amazing rehab center. Home now for three weeks and starts outpatient neuro rehab next week along with eye rehab for 3-6 weeks. Then rehab for driving.
Gee, after reading that, it’s no wonder I had an extended panic attack the past few days. (I have them often now yet I usually sleep like a baby.) I think I’ve invented PanicAttack/Extended Release. I’m really good at that anxiety breathing sometimes, too. I’ve got it mastered. ☹️ so, that’s what happened….I was overwhelmed. Again. I did the “what if”…in a big way. And yes, Xanax helps.
P.S. He’s making amazing progress. But the road is long and littered with uncertainty. Of course, whose isn’t?
Be healthy and careful and cherish every moment.
Sleep is a big issue with COPD. My doctor gave me the generic Xanax. It’s the lowest dose possible and it does help me sleep. I still have occasional nights that I don’t sleep well but I’m a professional worrier so everyone tells me their problems so I can worry for them. My daughter actually says she never has to worry about anything. She just tells me the problem and I worry enough for both of us. Good luck with finding a solution but my works very well for me.
I Love Willy
Right Arm Helen :-) Yes, KLHarts several years ago I was afraid to go to sleep, didn't know if I would wake up again. I had Xanax but was afraid if I took it I would fall asleep. This went on for 3 days with me surrounded by pics of my family, Grandkids etc around as I said (to myself) good bye, When I finally went to the Emergency rm and explained to the Dr he said, you just diagnosed yourself and order a shot of Ativan, same as Xanax. I was ready to go to SLEEP. It's called a Panic Attack, very common with COPD Patients.
Remember: Trust God, Slow Down and Breathe Eazy 😇
Has Anyone Been Prescribed To Take Daliresp?
Oxygen Therapy
The Same Question!!