High Red Blood Cell Count And Venesection
IF you are referring to high HCT levels, you may not get a straight answer from the Docs on this one. I have been monitoring my own scores from the regular blood draws as being high since my Respiratory conditions set in.
My PCP explains it (away) as just being due to many years of smoking. He says the body has to "catch up" with being able to maintain enough Oxygen on its own. Hogwash! The Pulmonary Doc says the body is making more red blood cells to carry extra Oxygen due to the decreased lung capabilities. Occasional blood-letting is the only cure and the condition will always return over time he says. I'll buy that for $1.00 🤑
BUT, after a recent COVID episode, the HCT levels were suddenly back within range - in ONE day! The ER doc said that was a direct effect of how the Virus affects the red blood cells and IS what causes respiratory illness in otherwise healthy people a few days ago. She said Blood clotting is the new focus with the current spread of Covid variants, not like Pneumonia during the Pandemic Era.
Sometimes it's nice to have conflicting information. IT gives me options, I guess.
What If Any Dangers Do High Red Blood Cell Count That Thickens Your Blood Have On Your Overall Health
Has Anyone Ever Used A Product Called BROVANA . It Is A Med That Is Used In A Nebulizer For Treatment Of People With Emphysema.
High Red Blood Cell Measurements