Is There Any Kind Of Surgery That Can Be Done To Help The Breathing Problems
Lung transplant, Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS). The valves (Zephyr and Spiration) aren't exactly surgery, but can have the same result as LRVS. You do need to qualify for the surgery; it's not appropriate for everyone.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I am glad you are doing better.
I had Zephyr valves placed in June and according to my pre and post PFT readings I gained 18% in lung function. I do feel better and am now able to work out 3x/week. Walking still leaves me SOB but not as bad as before. The screening process is extensive and expensive. Thankfully I have good insurance.
Thanks for answering me
Suzie1, zephyr valves and lung reduction are only for those that qualify. Your pulmonologist will refer a lvr specialist, if he/she thinks you'd qualify.
Has Anyone Tried The Breztri Inhaler. Seems Ever Since I Started It I Have Not Been The Same .
Fibrosis And COPD
Panic Breathing