Anybody Interested In Beginner Beginner COPD Hamonica Lessons/therapy From A Professional Player?
I've been in the hospital 9 times in the last three-and-a-half years for exacerbations, and at 79 years old. I've played the harmonica since I was five years old (father a virtuoso professional). Breathing patterns are important to COPD, and my lessons accord with this need. You can get a new harmonica for about $10 delivered off Ebay ("Blues Band") -- a ten hole diatonic in the key of C. If I can get the interest up from COPD people, I will put up periodic YouTubes (in addition to private… read more
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I actually think that would be great. I know that playing the harmonica is supposed to help you breathe better and use your lungs. I don't have a harmonica but have looked online to buy one before, but ended up not buying. If you do the videos, I will watch and try. Since you told us what kind to buy, I may go ahead and order one. Thanks! Great idea.
Harmonica Therapy
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