Is It A Death Sentence If A Person Has Been Diagnosed With ‘severe’ COPD? I’ve Been Feeling Great But The ‘sever’ Stage Has Me Terrified.
I have 12 chronic illnesses that I can manage. With only 4 stages of COPD I understand that fear of stage 4. I'm in Stage 4 and my activities are being cut off because of it. Having said that, we all know we don't live forever and none of us know when "our turn" is. I make everyday a positive one and make it count. There is no point in worrying, just live your life.
Life is a death sentence. Severe COPD is not. I was diagnosed in 2000 with severe COPD and I'm planning to fly to Baltimore on Tuesday to join other COPD advocates to go to Capitol Hill and see our congressional contingents. I'll use a wheelchair to get around, O2 that's provided by Lincare and a scooter to navigate the hotel. Exercise, diet, weight control, healthy living and figuring out HOW to do something rather than simply deciding you can't (assuming that it's something you really WANT to do) can mean long life after diagnosis.
I too have the sevear problem. Not sure of the answer, to afraid to loo it up
Hemp Oil
Is Very Severe Copd A Death Sentence?
What Are The Stages Of COPD And The Life Expectancy