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A MyCOPDTeam Member asked a question 💭
Winnipeg, MB

Is anyone here on anoro? How is it side effect wise?? I have a hard time with steroids and wanna try this one.

August 13, 2023
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A MyCOPDTeam Member

Anoro is a combination LAMA/LABA and contains no steroids. As for side effects, my advice would be to try it and see whether you have anything that resembles any of the known side effects that are available on the Anoro website. There are a number or them listed and you may not see any of them. Don't borrow trouble!

August 13, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

I take anora elipta and love it. I cannot take anything with steroids (prednisone) as it causes thrush. I can take prednisone in pill form. Anora has not caused any side effects. I do rinse my mouth and brush my teeth after using. Also albuterol by nebulizer is working well for me too. Hope the Anora works well for you too.

August 13, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

My doc insisted I use Anoro Ellipta for six (6) months before he would listen to me about my shortness of breath. He gave it to me on December 19, 2014, on the day I was getting a same day medical insurance coverage exam before flying off to a three (3) week vacation swimming off a Great Barrier Reef ecology tour for seven (7) days.

Best vacation, evah!, by the way, LOL.

I was so angry at him putting a COPD medication in front of me (without ever saying the words, COPD, even though I always knew my end stage asthma would land me there) that we had a knock down drag out fight.

I was NOT using that medication until AFTER my vacation.
I was using it under protest as I already knew I’d hate the side effects.
Drama, drama, drama. I was so mad when I finally got on that plane, even though NOTHING had actually changed in that moment, LOL.

Australia confiscated my Xopenex emergency inhaler (I’d packed it in my luggage, vs my carry on, like an idiot), and I managed 23 highly active days with just my theo dur and deep breathing / calming exercises despite not having my rescue inhaler.

Take that, Australian customs !

I tell you all that to emphasize that I’d always been an active person, even though I look like a lazy, overweight slug.

When I got home in January 2015, I began taking the Anoro Ellipta (being sure to rinse my mouth out after each use to try and avoid thrush), and I LOVED IT. ***LOVED***.

Until I didn’t.

I felt like superwoman on that drug, but…
- it made my arthritis worse (my fingers began to get lumpy and curl)
- it began to effect my eyesight (blurriness, impacting my job for reading)
- it made my rashes go into overdrive (excema flares)
- it made bone deep pain spasms in my back brutally worse.

So, while my story isn’t typical but is within the realm of possibility (NOT probability), I’d tell you to try it to see how it works for you.

I loved it despite the side effects, as I could do so much more and was so very active. It wasn’t until I almost drowned during a gentle game of pool volleyball and a back spasm hit, causing me to sink like a stone, that I’d had enough.

He put me on Striverdi Respimat after that (I didn’t even make it a week before I had heart attack issues), as he was out of options for treating my breathing issues.

Only you can decide what medication is worth taking, and I’m still sorry they didn’t work for me as he put me on full disability by September 30th, 2015. I still miss my job (and my income! and the freedom to afford to travel) but each of us has to decide where the line is for wellness in our fight to be all that we can be, @A MyCOPDTeam Member.

Hope that answer, as clear as mud, helps.

Sunday, 13-AUG-23

August 13, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thank you both for your replies.

August 13, 2023
A MyCOPDTeam Member

Thank you.

August 13, 2023

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