Hi . I Hope My Team And All Are Having A Good Day. Is There A Cough Medicine That Can Help A Cough?
Hot water with lemon and ginger seems to help me, I even Tent my hands over the mug and inhale deeply.
Honey helps also if you need to sweeten.
Muccinex is always helpful in loosening phleghm if you have any.
Good luck, hope you're able to find something that provides relief.
Hi All in the UK buying cough medication does not work the coughing is all down to COPD, I often think back when I smoked when I coughed I never questioned it I just coughed and carried on, when I cough now it’s because I have mucus to bring up, Exercise and drinking water will help
Take care
Since there are no brands of cough medicine without DXM in it, I find my best cough relief comes from lozenges and hard candies with drinking a LOT of water. Well, most of the water tastes like tea and sometimes like chicken soup.
OTC cough meds are also NOT designed for coughs which include chest inflammations. When the gunk comes up and out. Staying HYDRATED reduces that phlegm and helps ward off a real Flare-up. And helps lower blood pressure too.
You just saved $10 bucks here. Treat yourself to a huge bag of cough drops when you next visit Walgreens. Be well.
PS. If you insist on a liquid cough medicine look for a product called Father Johns. It has all natural ingredients in IT - except for a splash of DXM. DeXoMethorphan-hBr is a nerve agent.
Have you tried pineapple juice?
Thank you Rolland for all your great info.. I will get a huge bag of lozenges.. I do try and drink a lot of water… 😊
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