When I Wear An Oxygen Cannular , My Nose Runs Like A Tap, How Can I Stop This ?.
I have managed to use oxygen only when I am gardening or shopping, I have achieved this by doing exercises, one hour per day.
The problem is, I run out of tissues quickly as my nose never stops running.
Hi Cujojo
Im so sorry I don’t use Oxygen but a running nose was always known to be a good sign, im sorry I can’t help you more
Eric Patients Rep
I don't think it's an illness or a virus. My nose runs regularly too. My mother, who did not have COPD, swore up and down that when she turned 50 her nose began running and after that she was never without a tissue. I use my 02 when I'm up and active, but not when I'm sitting. My nose begins to run when I switch from using it to not using it. In my case, I think it's the change that starts it up. My solution is always have tissues to spare.
When I lean forward my nose runs. I buy a nasal vapor tube (small over the counter in a container like blistex or lip gloss) . That helps me
Hmmm A lot of people have complained about their nose running lately. I have not had the problem. But I am wondering if it is in a certain area or what? Is it a virus going around?
I'm not on oxygen yet but have the always running nose especially when doing something around home so I don't know if there is anything can be done but it would be nice
Trouble Keeping Cannula In Nose When Sleeping
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Oxygen Tubing Odor